
Longtime Partner IF Begins Piloting Certificate Program in Collaborative Discussion

Adolf Gundersen

This fall long time EnCiv partner Interactivity Foundation (IF) launches a pilot of its new Certificate Program in collaborative discussion.  The accompanying guide explains the purpose of the program this way: “By focusing on learning activities in 7 specific areas of practical skill building, participants who complete this program will be better equipped to work with others in productive and creative ways to address both large and small problems. ”

Interactivity Foundation

The certificate program is explicitly intended for both community members and college students, though the pilot this fall will focus on classroom use at various schools across the country.  Classroom instructors can incorporate as much of the program as they choose both as a stand alone and as a component of topical courses.

The course materials include over fourty hands-on activities and projects and  was itself the product a lengthy collaboration among a score of educators in the US and one in South Africa.    Questions?  Ready to test drive the program yourself?  –Contact program coordinator, IF Fellow Shannon Wheatley Hartman.

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