
EnCiv Hosts Second Inter-organizational Meeting

Adolf Gundersen

On March 16 EnCiv convened more than a dozen organizations and advisors in the civic tech space at Zoom’s headquarters in San Jose, California.

video chat photo

Photo by MDGovpics

Zoom graciously put their state of the art video chat facility at our disposal and provided expert technical backup.

During the two hour meeting, attendees shared their visions and provided feedback on how best to advance EnCiv’s ongoing effort to create a comprehensive and integrated civic network supported by a network of civic organizations.  The meeting gave participants an opportunity to exchange experiences and insights, in turn solidifying a number of established relationships and initiating a number of new ones.  Overall, the San Jose meeting was an energetic and energizing gathering–one that promises to propel the next stage in the development and realization of the civic network concept.

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